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1. February 2015 - Comments Off on The Kitschy Post

The Kitschy Post

So, my fourteen year old sister is going to a ball. Normally she’s more into soccer and not so much into girly things but this year she learned to dance and now she’s going to a ball. I was really surprised about how excited she is about the dance. My father bought her a lovely white dress – which was about half a meter too long so I shortened it quite a bit. As a little surprise I also made her a little pouch for phone, lipstick and such and some small flowers for her hair. She’s already so excited about the ball, I really hope she’ll have a great time there!
gown | lili weissensteiner
gown | lili weissensteiner
gown | lili weissensteiner
gown | lili weissensteiner